Jubilee Cards put SYNC content at your fingertips in a form you can use for a quick exercise routine. If you print a copy, you can do the exercise to set the tone for your day before you even pick up your phone in the morning.
Or do them on your phone whenever you can seize a window of opportunity--at the breakfast table, in personal devotions, in a one-minute pause before you get in your car, or in many other settings alone or with friends.
Set a positive lively tone for your day
The cards help you exercise your right to declare what kind of a day you are going to have instead of letting your circumstances impose it on you. The cards SYNC you with each seasonal theme as you go through the year.
Seven of the fifty Jubilee Cards go with Life Season. Let these cards remind you who you are--a life-bringer, a part of God's campaign to bring life to the world.

Is life a gift or a chore?
The Jubilee Cards remind us that life is a gift from the Creator. That simple fact changes everything. It turns us from grouchy to generous, from worried to confident, from worn out to expectant, from victims to blessed people.
In just a few words, the Jubilee Cards remind us of God's good intentions for life and his way of drawing us to live fulfilling lives. Knowing that God's campaign brings life--a world connected, healed, and blessed--we live each day fully motivated for our campaign assignments.
Pleasurable exercise
Using a Jubilee Card to set the tone for your day is like humming an old favorite song, moving with its rhythm. Then you go out to face your day with confidence instead of being depressed by yesterday's hassles, today's news, or tomorrow's unknowns.
Remember that the cards are not putting an impossible burden on your shoulders. They are reminding you of a privilege you have. You get to participate in the process of God bringing life to people. He is enriching their lives, healing them, blessing them, and you get to be in on that as he empowers and directs you to do it!
We never know when we wake up in the morning what life-bringing action God may do through us before the day is over, but the Jubilee Cards get us into position to discover it and get it done. The cards stretch and flex our souls so we are ready for action. Nothing boring or pessimistic about this kind of living!
You can't overdo these one-minute exercises. Do them as often as needed each day so you are ready for any good thing God leads you to do. The people around you will thank you for it.
Improve your sleep
The benefits of physical exercise for sleep are well documented. These life-giving exercises with Jubilee Cards have the same effect, and you may want to repeat them at bedtime. It's a great time to thank the Creator for the gift of life, especially the day of life you just completed.
And what if you blew an opportunity to bring life today? Will that keep you awake? No! This is not your campaign; it is God's campaign.
God signed you up for his team. He picks you up when you stumble. You can tell him you are sorry you stumbled, but don't be surprised if he passes over your apology and reminds you how glad he will be to work with you tomorrow, after you have had a good night's rest.
Being a life-bringer is a huge responsibility, and we work at it intensely, but at the same time it is a very relaxing process. We don't have to figure it all out. We leave that to God and just go with the flow as he reveals his plan. It may take us a while, but we learn how to be OK with not knowing a lot of things we would like to know. Then we sleep well.
SYNC with these seven Jubilee Cards and discover how to live with one foot in a glorious future.
Seven Bible verses for Life Season
If we had only one Bible verse to give us the Life Rhythm, it would probably be Genesis 1.1: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. That is the verse on the first Jubilee Card for Life Season.
The story that runs through the entire Bible does not start with a description of God's character or of some other-worldly place where he lives. The story starts by describing the beginning of a world we can see.
The story clearly shows that God had a strategy from the beginning. Things were created phase by phase in this strategy, starting from the most basic inanimate thing (light) to the most complex living thing (human beings).
God got more deeply and personally involved as the steps of creation got more complex. At the basic phases he simply said the word, "Let there be light." Next he ordered part of the created matter to do something, such as the earth to generate plants. Finally he himself took a little of the earth, shaped it into a human, and personally breathed his life into it.
The first human was male, the second was female, created from the male. Many interpret this to mean she was secondary, but if the total sequence of creation is kept in mind, the last to be created would be the pinnacle of complexity and beauty.
God then deputized his complex pair of human beings to multiply and to govern the rest of his creation, that is, to promote and protect the life and beauty he put into it. He wanted us to live in SYNC with his intentions for his whole magnificent world. He loves life, protects it, and calls us to honor it.
Alongside the first Life Verse, Genesis 1.1, the other six Life Verses on the Jubilee Cards are snippets from all over the Bible about what life really is and how we should handle it.
God's rhythm for life is not monotonous. It is complex and vibrant. It takes some time to get our minds around it, but that doesn't matter. We can love it before we understand it all if we SYNC with the parts of it we do understand.
Jubilee Cards for Life Season
Jubilee Card 1
God's Word
"First this: God created the Heavens and Earth--all you see, all you don't see."
Genesis 1.1, The Message
Our Response
Yes, Lord, it’s true. We are living on your property, breathing your air, eating food from your fields.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 2
God's Word
"Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals, come dance,
Put every tree of the forest in the choir."
Psalm 96.12, The Message
Our Response
Creator of nature and of us, we celebrate the way you have wired everything to know and praise you.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 3
God's Word
"God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living soul!"
Genesis 2.7, The Message
Our Response
Thank you, Lord, for breathing life into Adam and passing it down to us. Help us share it today.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 4
God's Word
"I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."
John 10.10, The Message
Our Response
Yes, Lord, give us the rich and satisfying life you want to give us, and let us share it freely.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 5
God's Word
"Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it."
Romans 5.18, The Message
Our Response
Lord, thank you that when we forfeited the life you created, you still rescued us and restored us.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 6
God's Word
"I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live."
Deuteronomy 30.19, The Message
Our Response
Yes, Lord, we choose life! Help us lead others to choose life too.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Jubilee Card 7
God's Word
"There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough;
look again—it leads straight to hell."
Proverbs 14.12, The Message
Our Response
Lord, let us not get fooled today by a road to death that is disguised as a road to life and pleasure.
Make your day with this Life Declaration:
I see myself in Christ as a life-bringer.
I see this day as a gift from the Creator of Life, and I will honor the gift.
Why do these cards work? Where do the cards get their power to influence us?
These tools SYNC us with Christ, the source of natural and full life. They remind us of his intentions, and those reminders have an almost magical effect on us. In SYNC with him, we experience life and have life to share. Out of SYNC, our quality of life would drop and eventually we would die.