New recruits
The two basics for all recruits
1. Jesus is the recruiter: "You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit. . ." John 15.16, New Living Translation
Jesus himself owns and operates the POTF (People Of The Future) campaign team; we don't. There is no SYNC membership. We don't even have a DONATE button. We are just one tiny player in the global campaign run by Jesus the "Messiah" (the World-Changer, the Future-Bringer).
2. Recruits are "in" Jesus. "The secret is simply this: Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with him the hope of all glorious things to come" (Colossians 1.27).
We are not just joining his cause. We are connected to him by his Spirit, the one-of-a-kind Spirit he sends into all recruits. He is in us and we are in him. That's how it will be in the future, and that's what we are already discovering as People Of The Future.
Start-up options
Daily for a week
One minute. Helps you start feeling like you belong, realize that Jesus is in charge, and get an idea of the campaign's goals
Weekly for a month
One weekly session of 10-20 minutes
Weekly for a month
Two weekly sessions of 10-20 minutes, one on your own using the "Solo" option above, the other with a buddy who has also used the "Solo" option.
You may jump straight into any of the start-up options above, or if you prefer to find out a little more about the kind of campaign you are getting into, browse the “Campaign” section of the menu first. The “Campaign Overview” page describes all the other sub-pages in the section.
When you finish your start-up option
In 1-5 weeks when you finish your start-up option, discuss with your recruiter what part of the SYNC site to explore next. If you have lost touch with your recruiter, here are some suggestions for exploring on your own.