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CLUED in as a campaign team member

The acronym CLUED is a key to the whole process of participation in God's campaign to connect, heal, and bless the world. Get CLUED in!

Jesus sends his Spirit (his inner Self and his power) into all the members of his campaign team. The Holy Spirit gets way inside our heads and our very selves, operating at conscious and subconscious levels to change us in four ways so we are CLUED in to the campaign. CLUED in means that the Holy Spirit . . .

  • CLeans us up so we are fit for the purpose Jesus has in mind for us, the way we would clean out a container before we used it to carry drinking water

  • Unites us with other campaign team members

  • Empowers us with whatever it will take to do our assignments, which may be impossible without him

  • Directs us by giving us our personal assignments for the campaign day by day and week by week

Note that the L in the acronym does not have a separate word it stands for; it is the L in "CLeans". 

This obviously isn't a one-time thing. It's a gradual discovery process. (See the Resources and Activities tabs for lots of ways of getting into the process, such as Just Do It groups, Jubilee Cards, and a Bible-in-a-year reading plan.) 

Besides giving us personal guidance of the Spirit, Jesus also guides us through the Bible. As we spend time reading and soaking in the message of the Bible, we get a better sense of the campaign's goals and methods. We also get familiar with the big story of the campaign, which is really the story of the whole world from start to finish.

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