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Daily Bible readings

Read through the Bible in a year with about three Old Testament chapters and one New Testament chapter each day. The readings loosely follow the annual cycle of SYNC themes. Go to Daily Readings

Just Do It Groups

A weekly activity with 2-3 friends to discover your "Just Do It" item, your assignment this week in God's campaign. Leadership rotates, using the same basic leader's guide every week but reading a different passage of about ten verses. Go to Just Do It Groups intro page    OR     Go to Leader's Guide.

Jubilee Cards

A set of 50 Bible verses with related SYNC affirmations and prayers, designed to set the tone for your day in one minute or less. Laid out to print on business card paper. Customizable content. Many uses. Go to Jubilee Cards

Creative writing/editing exercise

Review SYNC's seven "mini-stories," each summarizing the story of the entire Bible in about 100 words. Choose one mini-story as your starting point and adapt that version so it works for you and whoever you want to tell it to. A great stretching exercise, but not a quick one! Click here for Go to exercise instructions.    OR    Go to mini-stories to preview them

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