Where is the idea of "campaign" in the Bible?
Never heard of it.
The word "campaign" is not used in most Bible translations but the concept is everywhere. It most often is called God's will or his plan, and it overlaps with the term kingdom (the most misleading term in the English Bible, but we won't go into that here).
Jesus was killed for organizing a campaign, building a following that did not answer to any authorities but him. The religious and political authorities got more and more nervous as his campaign grew, fearing that when it got large enough, he would turn his peaceful following violent in a moment by announcing, "I am the new king and this is revolution day! We take power now!" They killed him so he would never have that chance.
The campaign goal is to bring God's peace to the whole world. The prophets all agreed that this would happen someday through one particular leader, specially appointed, sent, and installed by God. They called him the Messiah in Hebrew and the Christ in Greek, which means "anointed" (appointed and officially inaugurated to exercise some form of power). We may call him the "campaign director," but we always have to remember that he is also the king, the regal, rightful ruler of the universe.
The whole Bible is actually the story of God's campaign. These are the sections of the story.

How is SYNC related to God's POTF campaign?
SYNC is one of many on-ramps to God's POTF campaign. Never imagine that SYNC invented the campaign, owns it, runs it, or acts as gatekeeper for it.
We are only trying to describe it in fresh ways so people can get into it and move with it. That means they move in step or in SYNC with the directions given to them by the person God assigned as the one to hold the whole thing together, Jesus Christ.
To "See Yourself iN Christ," or to "SYNC," means that you see yourself as held by him. He recognizes you as a member of his POTF campaign team. Through his Spirit, Jesus connects you to other team members, gives you your personal assignments in the campaign, and helps you get them done.
So there are two sides to this coin: you "See Yourself iN Christ" and you "see Christ inside you."
Why hasn't God finished the campaign yet?
In our minds the quick, logical way for God to achieve his campaign goals (connect, heal, bless) would be for him to send his angels or just say the word and zap everything. Problem solved.
Why would God spend 4000 years on a campaign he could have completed in a year or a milli-second? Because his timing is counter-intuitive, just like his entire campaign strategy.
His campaign strategy was not to use a SWAT team of angels to instantly kill all the agents of death and magically fill the world with God's life. God chose the slow strategy--use a team of human beings that would keep developing and working over the centuries and the millennia. In fact, the whole Bible is basically the story of this team and its part in God's campaign to connect, heal, and bless the world.
At the cross, the most counter-intuitive move in the whole story of his campaign, God brilliantly, patiently used human rejection of Jesus to serve the campaign's purposes. By raising Jesus from the grave, God transformed the cross into the greatest force in history for connecting, healing, and blessing people.
Nobody except Jesus himself saw that coming. Under God's inspiration, some of the prophets had actually revealed hundreds of years before that the Messiah would suffer and die, but it was so counter-intuitive that even after Jesus repeatedly told his inner circle of followers what was coming, they didn't get it. After Jesus suffered the ordeal, returned from death to life, and connected all the prophetic dots for them, they finally got their minds around it.
That's one reason that followers of Jesus are so fixated on the cross to this day. It tips us off that this whole campaign is not what we would have drawn up. God is full of surprises, and if we are on this campaign team, our motto needs to be, "Watch and learn."
Why are so many people so clueless?
Many people stay clueless because they think they already know what God's campaign is about and how it works, but this is a counter-intuitive campaign. It is full of surprises like these:
It allows for human freedom and significance, which means human evil has real impact, as well as human good.
It uses the most unlikely people in the most unlikely ways, even those who oppose the campaign.
It includes pain during the campaign process, even for those who are doing exactly what God tells them.
It allows people to fight it, even to arrest and execute the spearhead of the campaign, Jesus the Messiah!
We do not force anybody to dance to the campaign rhythms. But Jesus is telling us to clue people in to these rhythms and decide whether to dance or not.
If the rhythms get into them, they dance, and the world is more connected, more healed, and more blessed. That's what happens when Jesus is in charge and people get clued in about SYNCing with him.